It is hard to believe that we are already 31 weeks pregnant and will very soon be able to meet our "Little Man," as we have now started calling him. These past weeks have been an awesome reminder of the goodness and faithfulness of God, despite times of refinement and trial. As I count my blessings I praise God for:
1. The fact that I am still pregnant, which means this little baby is growing stronger by the day!
2. Bed rest - despite the fact that I will remain on bed rest for the duration of my pregnancy, God has used this time to refine me and teach me so much about Himself. It has truly been a blessing that I thank Him for often!
3. My husband who shows me the love and humbleness of Jesus daily! I am so thankful to have been blessed with such an amazing husband that delights in being able to take care of us and take over the responsibilities of the house when I have been unable to!
4. Friend & Family who have come around us during this time and showered us with love and hospitality.
5. Protection - despite the flood in Fargo and the impending second crest that they are predicting we have remained high and dry with no water in the basement!
6. God's Word - How precious to me are your thoughts, O God and how vast is the sum them!
Today, I am most thankful that God is our TRUST. Despite the world around us that seems to be spiraling out of control, I am so thankful that God is our Savior and our Rock. He delivers us from all of our fears and gives us the ability to trust Him each step of the way! May He guide each of us to Love Him more and Yearn with greater passion and longing for His return!!