It is hard to believe that Aaron Matthew is already 5 1/2 weeks old. We have cherished each and every day with him. He is such a content baby and has brought so much joy to our lives. He loves to go on walks, be outside, listen to music, and snuggle with his daddy! Hope you enjoy the new pictures!
I am a redeemed daughter of the King, a wife to the most amazing husband in the world whom I love more than words, a teacher, daughter, sister, and mother of our precious son, Aaron. We are expecting our second child the beginning of February.
October 2006 - Began praying about adoption. October 2006-February 2008-Research & Prayer February 7, 2008 - Attending Steven Curtis Chapman concert in town which God used to confirm our adoption calling. March 2008 - Began researching agencies (both Homestudy and International) June 26, 2008 - Sent in our AAI application. July 2, 2008 - Painted Baby Hope's Room in preparation for his arrival. July 22, 2008 - First homestudy mtg. July 28, 2008 - Received more paperwork from our homestudy agency and our Ethiopia dossier packet from AAI. August 8, 2008 - Second homestudy mtg. September 3, 2008 - Third homestudy mtg. September 20, 2008 - Walk for HOPE adoption walk September 26, 2008 - Dossier, I-600A, Grant Application sent in. October 3, 2008 - Found out we were pregnant - Adoption put on hold. October 22, 2008 - Dossier to Ethiopia June 6, 2009 -Aaron Matthew born! October 2008-November 30, 2009 - ON HOLD December 8, 2009 REFERRAL! December 12, 2009- Received Placement papers. December 14, 2009 - Mailed Placement papers to AAI. December 30, 2009 - Case submitted to court. Many months of praying for our Sweet Baby-M while his case was "caught in the middle." June 2010 - Released Baby-M after learning that his case was "impossible." August 2010- Learned that God had done an amazing miracle and Baby-M's paperwork was complete. August 2010 - Again released Baby-M and started praying for his new forever family. September 2010- Baby-M has a new forever family! Thank you Jesus! September 2010-Waiting for God to once again open the door for adoption...