Thursday, October 9, 2008 we come!

"In love He predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will - to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves." Ephesians 1:5

How thankful we are to be able to be a part of the miracle of adoption. Our journey to our beloved Baby Hope is already nearing its one year anniversary. Last October is when Jack and I started praying that God would give us a love for what He loves. He did that by drawing our hearts to the orphans of the world and the great need for families to love and adopt them! We are now only months away from being referred a child from Ethiopia. We received a notice in the mail today from the Department of Homeland Security US Citizenship & Immigration Services informing us that our I-600A form is being processed and should take about 90 days. Although 90 days seems like a long time, we trust that our Creator God holds each day of this journey and we trust His Sovereign timing of events.

After our I-600A is processed, our paperwork goes over to Ethiopia and then we are officially on the waiting list! We are anticipating our new arrival sometime in 2009, and our hopes are sooner rather later.


Shelly said...

We are SOOOO excited for you both in this process. I am excited to start "stalking" your blog as you leave posts about the adoption process. October 1st was such an exciting day here as we were thinking of your completed dossier! It is also exciting as I know that is when Ethiopian courts open and hopefully it marks one year for us, as it is our goal to have to paperwork to Ethiopia sometime around next October 1st. I/we can't help but think of you SO often as we wait and pray for you and baby Hope, and wait and pray and long for our future babies too!

Angel said...

Jack and Sarah,

We are so blessed to be able to follow this journey with you and pray for you guys! Would you believe that we just started the process ourselves? We just got our first packet in the mail last week and now we are finding birth certificates and things of that nature. I will be calling you with questions!

We love you guys!

Angel and crew

Ginna said...

Hooray, Jack and Sarah! This is so so so beautiful and I am blessed to be a part of it. I will be joining Shelly in stalking your blog:)!! Much love!

Erica said...

Hi Sarah!
I'm so glad that you started this blog! We will enjoy keeping up with you in this way. We are so happy for you two and this journey God is leading you on. Excited to see the blessings to come!!
Lots of love!!

Merilee said...

Hi Jack & Sarah,

Well you know I'm passionate about adoption and I LOVE following adoption blogs, especially when it's someone I know and love! I'm just so excited for you, I can hardly stand it. I'll definitely be checking in on a regular basis!

Shelly Roberts said...

So glad to see you've started documenting your wonderful journey here! Can't wait to hear your last bit of paperwork has arrived and all is shipped off to Ethiopia! :) Blessings~ Shelly