So far 2009 has been filled with amazing reminders of God's goodness. After we got home from spending a wonderful 9 days with Jack's family in Minot, we received a notice in the mail indicating that we were selected to receive a $3000.00 grant from Steven Curtis Chapman's organization, Shoahannah's Hope, towards our adoption expenses. WOW! We also got a letter from our adoption agency letting us know that in 2009 our adoption expenses would be increasing $500.00. Wouldn't you know that that same day we got a check in the mail from some dear friends our ours for $500.00. These evidences served to remind us that God's hand is leading us and He is providing for our needs. A year ago we were really at a loss trying to think how we could come up with almost $20,000 to we are a year later and God has provided all the money we need to adopt our son or daughter. Jack and I are just overwhelmed by how God has provided for His will in our lives!
In addition to our praises on the adoption front, today marks pregnancy week 19. It is hard to believe that next week we will be half way done with this pregnancy. I think that I have felt the baby move, but I am a little uncertain since I have never done this before and I am not exactly sure what it feels like. We have our ultrasound scheduled for January 20th....can't hardly wait to see this little one up on the screen. :o)