Thursday, January 22, 2009


On Tuesday we went in and had our ultrasound. It was such a neat experience. The little babe was resting and so he/she wasn't moving around too much. It has its little hands up by his/her face almost the whole ultrasound. It will be interesting to see if our little one sleeps like that after he/she is born. Baby was in the 63% percentile for weight and the heartbeat was 147 bpm. They did move our due date up 4 days to June 4th. I have gained 10 pounds in the first 21 weeks and I am actually starting to look pregnant! We are so thankful that everything went well and baby looks good!


Rachel Keller said...

YEAH!!!!!!!!!! so glad baby is growing and doing well.... and looking so cute too!!

tanelson said...

Yippy!!! So happy for you two. Also pumped to find your blog...we'll be keeping up with you now! Love you all and need to see you soon!